I like to shower

unlike that of the PVP heads, I use deodorant after showering ! I love to use conditioner and shampoo ! it makes my hair so soft ~ PVP is stinky :+(( PVE is so fresh and so clean !! like soap !! also toothpaste for brushing your teeth !! PVP heads have gingivitos :+( sad for them haha !! PVE players are so clean and so fresh like the song by outkast !! PVP toggle please !! I do not want to be touched by dirty PVP heads :+(

also showering options besides the brig. we have out houses but no actual just tub… I dont know why vetex didnt put more tubs outside in cities/kingdoms/towns… it feels like it would be that simple and it is.


i showered today

i wish pve was a more central part, us grand navy marines and assassin syndicate acolytes cant easily become high ranks because of the leaderboard system and also renown being pvp centered

why are you weird

facts spicytuna!!!

45 minute showers are peak

make post about showering
still get called weird
what am I doing wrong?

You exist.
That is a crime enough.

call me a criminal then

the dark sea exists
it’s the perfect shower!

this is falso

Jesse what the hell are you talking about