I lost all of my data

I had my account wiped recently and I took screenshots of my stats and inventory. I was wondering if there was anyway to get it back.

…Ouch, that really hurts, I’m not sure if there is a way to get it back, but a way to prevent it in the future is to not immediately join a new server after you leave the one you were just in, Roblox takes a bit to actually save your data, and if you rejoin too quickly that ends up happening. Tl;dr To prevent it take a minute or so to wait before you join a new server.

your fault for not waiting for like 30 secs - a few minutes but don’t worry sunken iron is not that good and u can be still good wihtout it!

If you’re going invisible, don’t leave the server, just toggle your vanity stuff. Invisibility seems to be tied to data loss.

I didn’t know this glitch even existed

did you leave the game while invisible?