I lost my guild!

Yeah what he said, or invite an alt into the guild, promote it whatwver co-leader position you have and invite yourself back.

tbh wom dead game so… :man_shrugging:

التخلي عن هذه اللعبة السيئة ABANDON WOM التخلي عن هذه اللعبة السيئة

Maybe, but it can kinda be an inconvenience to people. Like when I did merchant runs earlier and had a shitload of wizard gear to enchant, I had a bank filled all the way up with crowns so that I would have ease of access to crowns in situations like those. It was pretty frustrating to find the guild deleted and all my crowns gone, it even got deleted on my co-leader alts. I could just code farm again of course, but I have less RAM on my motherboard now since I switched my system, and it takes twice as long to farm. So yeah, in instances like those it’s rather frustrating.

They will get wiped because it is a new currency and possibly a new way of obtaining a guild

Leo stop saying “wom dead game tbh fr fr xd sheesh xd frfr” when you are playing wom

trades fam, i need to get to 200 rare :waaa:

just don’t make guilds

yo what.

No guilds are being wiped because of a roblox bug which makes them really fucking glitchy infamy is also being wiped since guilds are being wiped

It takes max 6 minutes to code farm on a shit computer it’s not a major inconvenience to lose something you can get back under 10 minutes with 0 effort

As I said, it’s simply rather inconvenient.


you typed a paragraph for a small inconvenience in a broken game

Ok but you think someone with a computer as crappy as mine will do it, knowing that it’s a massive pain in the ass? No. I tried running 2 roblox windows and it took a ton of time to load, hell it didn’t even load.

not my problem you have a shit computer

just get a friend to transfer the crowns to your main file
or just redeem a 2x crown code and farm a boss with a tracker

His point was that it does take forever to get 5000 crowns for certain people (people with old computers that can’t get the 2nd Roblox app and people with laggy computers that run slowly when 2 Roblox games are being run at the same time)
I used to use an old computer and it was impossible for me to farm crown codes on alts because it wouldn’t let me download the Roblox app

So long story short: you were wrong.

dude i got a 9 year old thinkpad shit and can run 2 apps and get 5k crowns in 5 minutes tops not a big deal
edit: might i add its refurbished and was mid end at the time?

U can’t use roblox app and player at the same time on a lot of old devices

Never felt the need, I can supply myself with enough crowns, no codes used

I do have a running code boost currently and this is the reason why I can get quite quickly. I also know bunch of chest spots.