I love ramming



imagine a ship that can kill itself with recoil when the new stuff comes out


I wouldn’t be surprised if certain builds with the Brig and dark sea-exclusive ship parts could sink a ketch or reinforced ship with one ram attack.

well The Brig has naturally (?) 1,200 Ram Strength, so add this man’s Ram Strength with it, 2,994 + 1,200 = 4,194 Ram Strength with just Bronze Sea ship parts

Yeah most likely one shotting atleast basic ketches without even factoring Dark Sea parts

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we be ruining the newbies’ experience with this one

Strong Arcanium Ram + Strong Hull is allready 2600, so with Legndary Ram Deckhands and a Brig …

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i vaguely remember that i think ships can block in the next update

parrying the ram fr!!!

idc, i love ramming

The ship parries the ram and lowers a sail that says “Block, parry, dodge” on it


Aren’t hulls getting buffed? I’ll edit this in a bit if I find anything.

thats just for the durability tho
not for the ram strength that the strong enchant on hulls gives

but ye that buff will make ships a good bit tankier which will make oneshotting certain ships with a ram way harder

Let’s give the Brig ~400 damage with Bronze Culverins (damage enchant)
400 * 12 (broadside) = 4800 damage
Let’s use EtherealR’s calculation of 4194 ram strength
The brig has 2 front cannons so we can add another 800 damage to that for 4994.
I’d say a ketch can at least survive the first ram but will be taken out by the broadside.

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It also very much depends on the hull that that ketch is using. Say for example that its using a hard bronze framing then itll have 6k durability + its base durability (4k iirc?) which could bring it up to 10k
On the other hand if its using a weaker hull like the turning hull (which will give 2.1k dura next update) itll “only” have 8.1k hp and can be taken out by that combo you just mentioned

Oh and not to mention the new dark sea ship parts which certain ships might use. Maybe the current heavy ketches already use hulls of similar dura as dark sea ship part hulls

i hope i can add more ram power in the dark sea update

name your ship “THE HAMMER” and remove all cannons for more speed = faster ramming

nah, i will keep my ship name, also fun fact: i deal 1k dmg per non charge ram

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Interestingly enough, currently if a maximum ram damage build and a maximum durability build were to fight while having the same cannons equipped, the durability build would win.
Both ships take the same amount of rams to kill each other, but the durability one can tank the cannons better than the ram damage one.

that will definitely be the case since new rams and hulls are being added. On top of that there are new ship enchants being added too so youll definitely be able to reach like 6k ram power next update. If you include deckhands too then maybe 8k is possible


Give it the warship enchantment and you can probably one shot a ketch