I love the dark sea!

I love dying to an enemy I can’t see or hit because they’re hidden in the water! I love NPCs with aimbot and infinite attack size! I love not being able to drink my warding potion because it bugged! I love having 8fps because the game can barely keep up with its content! I love ping spikes because the server’s sputtering and dying! I love grabs not registering!


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can we talk about everybody’s most loved feature? water poisoning? who doesnt love water poisoning. it adds so much to the game. i love it when im on a gigantic island with 0 cover and i get water poisoning

all of this can be avoided by only staying in range 1

absolutely no amount of sarcasm here…

and getting a better pc

i dont wanna grind an hour for only 30 chests :sob:

i love being on the epicenter and getting water poisoning from some random wave

30 chests the standard minimum before dipping out

i love dying because of water poisoning because my brig’s bath decides to not work for some reasons!

seriously really wish healing potion also cure and give you immunity to water poisoning

like, that thing can grow yoru damn limbs back, you telling me it can help at least remove the status???

I love dying to water poisoning cause the game decided to merge me with the boat I’ve been driving!

That’s some bullshit!!! My pc runs everything perfectly fine, even AO, but due to server-side lag and certain scripts throwing a shitfit the game’s performance frequently comes to a crawl. Hopping servers or even rejoining fixes it

I love pulling out a hammer then immediately leaving my ship and earthly possessions behind, replacing them with water poisoning

Idk about you but if im gonna be grinding dark sealeds im going all out. Id rather grind around 2 hours for about a 100 sealeds then only go in for a much shorter while to get 30. Especially since i usually use a luck 5 after grinding for a lot of dark sealeds

Not a lot of people have enough time grind out 100, especially if you get a bad streak on islands. 30 in my opinion is enough to get an armored scroll out of them

so long as you stay around the 0-1 range, use invis on siren nests, and dip if an island is too big/confusing, you can easily get more than 30 chests in an hour, but thats just my opinion

if you have a friend you trust to go with you, getting chests also becomes a lot faster

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Tbf it doesnt take too long to get a 100 if youve got the right setup. I can get about a sealed a minute so thats about 100 minutes worth of time for me. But ye, if you dont have much time then i guess you might as well go for 30. Though without luck, the chances of getting the specific scroll you want are pretty bad

Indeed I do

Lucky for you mate, i got 2 dark seal chests in the span of 1 hour bro. I dont even know why i waste my life in the dark sea in the first place

Im ngl that just sounds like a skill issue :sob:. You should easily be able to get 10 an hour even with a bad boat and by only grinding in the i0 range

And i have but my luck is incredibly atrocious.