Im a lazy person, but i like AO, buuuuuut i need something to do in it, so i’ve decided to make AO bing.
Tho there’s a problem - im 0 at coding. So what do i do? Use chatgpt!
And with their help, i managed to make this…
Free space could be any major glitch occuring (boat darksea fling, or it could be get bounty hunted)
Achieve the Jaw Spires Secret
Find Vetexgames roblox avatar in the fenrir
Defeat Shura or iris without getting hit
Defeat Shura or iris using only the magic m1
Kill kai/merlot
Find the epicenter
Defeat someone elses maxed rival
Make your rival a savant
Get struck by lightning on dawn island
Knock Elius off of the sky islands
Defeat carina in 3 minutes
Sink a brig
defeat maria in 3 minutes
solve a legendary chart
become oracle
wear a full set of a kingdoms attire (full set of ravenna gaurd/centurion sword greataxe and greatsword included. full set of keraxe gear could work as well)
Fight/Duel a player with #+ [stat]/[class]/[attribute]
Optional: Do it # amount of times, has to be different people each time
Optional: Do it at X place (e.g. munera, othrys, sameria desert)
Optional: Win Probably don’t encourage players to gank others or use potions in a fight
Fight a player with 100+ player kills 3 times
Fight a player with 6000+ fish caught
Duel a player with 1000+ hours in a clan with 100k+ Infamy
Fight a player in the Grand Navy and 500,000+ Renown and win
Fight a player who is a Paladin with Merciful
Duel a player who is not using exotic scrolls on their armor (expected to ask them)
Find X in the Dark Sea
Optional: Do it # amount of times
Find an ice spike island in the Dark Sea
Find 5 Tartarus Tears in the Dark Sea
Find a Siren Rock with 5 Dark Sealed chests
Find lost cargo from Ghost Ships 2 times
Find a Golden Cooking Pot
Cook/Brew/Craft X with Y
Optional: Use it in a certain way (preferably for the funnies or for a cool showcase)
Cook a Smoothie with 2 Cursed Mushrooms and Shining
Cook a Mistake with 3 Sun Caraways
Brew a Clearsight IV Supernova potion (and clear fog with it)
Brew an Insanity III Brew potion (and share it with 4 other people)
Craft a Musgravite with +20% knockback (probably just make it require a reagent and not a specific percent)
Donate [# of galleons]/[thing] to [person]
Does not count if you recieve the thing back afterwards, the spirit of this challenge is to be nice and lose the things you give to help other players
Donate 3000 galleons to someone in need of a Ketch
Donate 1 Selino to someone who is a Strength class (e.g. Warlock, Warlord, Juggernaut, Berserker)
Donate an Insanity V Elixir potion with gilded to someone under level 50
Donate 1 Player Kill to someone between level 50 and 60 (you are expected to let them kill you)
Claim # islands
Optional: You have to contest a claim and win
Optional: Claim Silverhold
Literally anything about diving points or diving spots
Complete 3 diving points
Collect 3 Jade Pearls from clams found at diving points
Complete a diving chart behind Pelion Rift
Complete a diving chart with ruined houses
Complete a diving chart with the first letter of both randomly generated words being the same
Complete a diving chart without finding the chart
Complete a diving chart without revealing potions
Complete a diving chart without any amount of water breathing from any source
Find # [Title] in a server
I think this kinda sucks but True Captain challenge is already a thing so I don’t see why this isn’t a thing with something like Nimbus Sea Diver or Epicenter Explorer
Update “Get mentioned in the Agora” to include getting mentioned for something specific
Get mentioned in the Agora for stopping an execution of a player
Get mentioned in the Agora for claiming an island
(i cant think of most of the Agora’s mentions off the top of my head srry)
That’s all I could think of off the top of my head
btw you have a spelling error for finding an “enchnatment” scroll