I made Wide Putin but in WoM and I don't know if I should be ashamed or proud (disclaimer - it's not actually putin)

yooooooo thats :flushed:

Perfection. We have peaked, humanity’s greatest creation, from now till the end of time any created work shall be beneath this.

Summer hold Lego set

I made an extra deep fried version because I figured out how keypoints work, and oh boy.

So that’s why you had the weird hair, haha

how do you say such a thing about his hair, to the gulag with you. But yeah, I tried my best. There was another ok option, but it actually had hair on the front half of the head, and I couldn’t have that.

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I too have hair :smiley:

hey bud give us a deep fried version of extra wide putin walk
in video form

what are the chances…

Sorry dude, I already ran a purge on almost all my videos because they were taking up too much space. It’s gone :frowning:

Next time, I’ll keep a copy just in case.

alexa, this is so sad, can we play song for denise (putin walk theme)

i don’t think so

me on my way to riverville

Me on my way to iron port to kill the all the useful npcs

Don’t even think about it.

You’re an ironport Alchemist, Tailor, Smith, or Metal Worker.


this is the correct response.

me walking to the silent tower knowing full well im going to destroy it and nuke the server