I make stories and fan cam? since fuckin when

One if you better come out, since fuckin when I write stories? Never. Owned regulars.


tfw you wrote the fanfics and made fancam

then your friend gets blamed

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I thought the horny jail meme had died like 3 months ago.


I welcome you to the Shadow Realm, my comrade JTN. Dont worry, you’ll get used to this place. (=ↀωↀ=)✧

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I’m just waiting for the dude that made that comment to step out and comment in this post.

Welp you do have one clue and it’s that they’re a member in the off-topic council. I highly suspect Skhan though.

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But man, these people thought I was BNT :pensive: absolute blind fucks.

Yeah lmao (=`ω´=)

jtn is just bnt if you swap the letters and change a letter


Nu uh, that’s where you’re wrong

I’m built different from JTN.

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Anyway, context.

I typed this.

It’s still here
They’re still keeping me hostage

Break free, remove that regular title. You’ll be free

I just now realize how similar your name is to bnt

well then

Wrongful imprisonment

nah i suspect srtolertus
he’s the kind of person who’d write something like this

you can go now