I might be looking for some designs

I should probably draw these myself but I’m too lazy.

Magic Power Simulator Verse

2d or 3d model is fine

  • Tendon Acumen (9 or 11 base types: sword, spear, greatsword, halberd, dagger, axe, mace, hammer, rapier, gun, bow (italicized excluded if 9))
  • Ferritin King (Legendary Spear)
  • Godsight Hunter (Legendary Bow)
  • frostfire thermodynamics weapon something (High-Tier Spear)
  • Sylph’s Zephyr (High-Tier Sword)
  • Magmabreaker (High-Tier Hammer)
  • Point (High-Tier Rapier, preferably Randomness sends the design because they proposed the weapon)
  • Healing Staff (High-Tier Support)
  • Annihilator Cannon (Mid-Tier Typeless, looks like a 1-handed cannon glove or smth)
  • Spirit Cage (Mid-Tier Typeless)
  • Smokescreen (Mid-Tier Support, squeezable magic bag or smth)
  • Portal Gate (Mid-Tier Support)

MPS Doc Link

Flesh Armored Vanguards Verse
Longer explanation of the story/world (for people who've never seen my work)

Flesh Armored Vanguards is a story about 6 people spread across the world chosen to fight elemental spirits, malevolent entities that threaten humanity. Each vanguard has different elemental powers and kagunes special limbs, however they all have arata flesh armor in common. There are 6 elemental magics possible for normal people: water, earth, fire, wind, lightning, light.

All of them also have elemental magic on top of that. Yes, their powers are Tokyo Ghoul references. I plan for each vanguard to have vastly different backgrounds, personalities, and their own solo character arcs.

Here are the 6 kagunes limbs:

I need 3 more. I already partially planned 1 out, a boy named Arelinos Valekis. His personal storyline would be dealing with family drama about upholding a perfect image. He comes from a very wealthy family.

Complete Characters:

Hira Larson (outdated appearance)

  • 1 Element (Water)

  • Seems to have a slight superiority complex of being “pro-school”, but over time loses that superiority complex

  • A standard paragon and straight-A student

  • The type of person to remind the teacher about homework

  • Responsible

  • Natural Leader?

  • Possibly a snitch?

  • Would screw her team over if it was the morally correct thing

  • Caring

  • Slightly overprotective

  • Slight overthinker

  • Marks things as suspicious easily

  • Somewhat more rationally/logically driven

Sharzen Welfark

  • Used to fight spirits but stopped a few years ago when one of his friends died

  • 1 Element (Fire)

  • Devious

  • Loyal (to close friends)

  • Overkill

  • Trigger happy

  • Competitive

  • Rebellious

  • Daredevil

  • Mean except to friends

  • Somewhat more emotionally driven

Shouzate Elantra

  • The villain vanguard (how she got chosen might be explained later)

  • Black market criminal (drugs, wildlife trade, smuggling)

  • Was an emergency responder half a year before the start of the story

  • 2 Elements (Wind + Earth)

  • Cunning and strategic

  • Is very blunt about telling the truth directly (she’d blatantly say “okay you’re fucked” when he finds out you have a 98% death rate disease)

  • Isn’t actually that introverted, just acts that way so that it seems normal that she doesn’t say much

  • Somewhat of a tough love person(if she found out someone’s failing a subject, she’d look at them menacingly in the eye and tell them to study)

  • Someone more rationally/logically driven

i am here

cant do designs i suck at art, but if you want any advice just ask

i guess, thinking of what design i should give the 3 unfinished vanguards

hmm idk

working on Hira Larson new design

I like that, also Hira is my fave of the three due to being basically me

Personality-wise I mean

lmao fr?

Yeah, I have a bit of Sharzen in me as well but mostly Hira

A few of Hira’s traits I dont have tho

currently thinking about what design i should give Arelinos