I need a couple pvp sets and i dont wanna trade

  • Fishing
  • Merchant/ chest runs

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I wanna grind the wizard pieces and idk what is faster ( amulets are best from mini bosses)

Merchant and or chest runs. Since fisihng with full magentic rod has a 1 in 8 chance of catching an item, and there are over 63 catchable items. It takes like 20+ seconds to catch a fish. Also there is like a 1 in 504 chance of catching a certain item and all that time being wasted because of fishing. But on the other hand, merchants can be found easily and have 4 different items to sell to you out of 60 items. And merchants appear frequently around Summer hold. So that’s like an easy 1 in 15 chance of getting some wizard armor. Chests appear frequently aswell except the chance of getting an item is 1 in 25 and since 60 items are randomized. It’s like 1/1500 chance just to get an item you want but still good to farm from chests if you’re trying to get some wizard armor.

Don’t fish for items

(Correct me if I’m around(

3, 3 different items

another benefit to merchants is you get can buy ten of them in any color you want, if you care about that last part, so if you enchant and get something shitty then you got 9 more tries

Here is really really really really old map for chest route

But i recommend you go for something like this

(red main path ; Blue - diviations that you can go for.)


you do the loopy loop

there’s just like…
Chest circle around the rock ; 6 chests in lake ; 4 chests near with statue

trying to find my castlian and ashen route but no luck.

at least i got my personal bronze route still there. it’s a bit outdated from i use since i last played wom but i generally start at the ship and make my way over to the L shaped rocks and go inside that miners cave infront of the ship and then go to the red marker

get the chests inside the cave then go off from there

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