I need help recovering another account of mine on this website

I had another account here named Jinn which I’ve been completely incapable of figuring out the email for, which is why I’ve been on this account. I’m trying to figure out if there’s any way I can be given the email for it, even if it’s just partial bits of it, so I can recover the account. I don’t plan on using it, though, my plan is getting my name on this account changed to the name on that older account. If there’s anything I can do to prove I used to own that account, other then the fact it’s literally my ROBLOX account listed on there and here, let me know.

It was connected to my Patreon, but for some reason I can’t log into it through there. It tries to make a new account. I try to log in with its username and every password I know I use, but it doesn’t work. I even have a saved password for the site that doesn’t work.

Sooo… guess what I found.

The reason I couldn’t find this account the first time around was because I kept searching my emails for “forum” and “vetex”. I never found anything, except for my _abel account. However, I realized “oh, wait, I should be looking for my patreon”. After a few other fails, I managed to find the one patreon that’s on ao.


In hindsight, this account is older and has my Patreon. I should be using this account, instead. Only pain is it’ll take me another two days to get trust level 2…

The good ending :]

Can’t let you keep both of them, so please just pick one and the name you want so the other one can be ritually sacrificed.

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I’m not gonna be using _abel anymore, since this one actually has my name, and patreon. So you can gut _abel. I gotta ask though if it’s possible to retain its badges? Mostly just anniversary, though.

Retaining this account’s name, too, btw.

One other question I realized to ask; will my posts on _abel get deleted?

Don’t think badges can be transfered, at least not anniversary. I can get you the name of this account to the other one so you can keep the badges. I believe patreon can be transfered. Even if it’s tied to email, you can change the email of the other account.

I won’t delete delete any posts, I was thinking of suspending the account you don’t want so it can’t be used. So unless you want the posts deleted/anoned, they will stay up as is (they can be under a similar name too if you want them to be obviously from you, like __Jinn or something).

I’m gonna keep this account, since it’s a few months older. If you could change the name of the other one to _Jinn or whatever once it’s locked that’d be nice though, thanks.