Here’s the build I’m hoping to get but lost diplomat and sunken gear are hard to get… I was trying to get a balance between atk size and speed, but someone recommended that I js go all atk speed.
Lmk what I can change or replace!
Here’s the build I’m hoping to get but lost diplomat and sunken gear are hard to get… I was trying to get a balance between atk size and speed, but someone recommended that I js go all atk speed.
0/10 has modifiers
I got that accessory w/ crystalline already…
I’d say hybrid size speed is good, I use fire sailor warlock with it and I think it would be even better on lightning sailor warlock
High speed is also a great option, so it’s up to you in the end
You could try getting both builds by making it so you can easily remove the size and replace with speed (maybe use the same general build but switch between a speed or size amulet to decide which full build you wanna go)
Also don’t use lost diplomat imo, resistance kinda mid
and cernyx is a direct downgrade to sw and has mediocre efficiency at best, swap it for something else if possible
Thanks I’ll prolly switch out cernyx faulds for an attack speed or size amulet w/ the other stat enchant.
I’m trying my best to get a sw piece so I’ll try and replace the cernyx pants w/ that. As for the lost diplomat idk what I should run instead. I was initially going to grind for one of the lost envoy/diplomat piece and wear whatever comes first but its been a hot minute since I hopped on so . Thanks for the help though!
if you get a sw piece I believe it is optimal to get the chest, but it’s also the most expensive so you don’t really have to
Yeah, he does that, ignore him.
Something like this, though I don’t really like how this turned out
My initiation to the forums
Appreciate it! I’ll start trying to get some of the stuff rn.