I need help with a TRADE

This a good deal?

Honestly, I’d say so.

3 clean sunken items + 1 powerful for a hard ss seems like a fair trade but fuck if I know anything.

yes it is accept

the powerful sunken boots alone are worth more than the hard ss, and he’s getting ADDS

I severely undervalue bad enchants + haven’t quite grasped how valuable a SS is compared to other sunken items so /shrug

he’s getting pretty big overpay

also powerful is the second best enchant on sunken armor

yeah ik that just didn’t quite know how valued a hard SS was. I don’t value it all that much but idk how much other people do.

hard ss is a pretty big value downgrade from clean ss, and i think powerful sunken armor rn might have an even higher demand than hard sunken armor

Does it matter if its hard or powerful?
there both meta I prefer powerful as you already have defense don’t see why hard is better

powerful is pretty close to hard in value but hard is still the highest
but honestly i think powerful is better in stats and maybe even demand

powerful is better in pvp and pve if you need more defense you can just switch your hard enchants to the amulets not sure why the person who wrote that value chart said that

because its not a stats list, hard still has the highest value and probably always will

list of enchant value


so if its not the stats that make it better then its what?
the rarity? that makes no sense
The best gear would be worth more?

its because hard is the item’s “perfect enchant” (the enchant that boosts it’s primary stat)
which makes it worth more
like i said powerful is worth only slightly less

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Yes it is and @AwesomeOS wants to know your user

i know his user, we 1v1ed yesterday to prove sunken sword was good in pvp

Snag the boots

i got a better offer that gets me the booties, waiting for the person who offered to come online though