I now have 430 player kills

I have killed 430 players. Im getting way better


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I got like 4K and 8k among files but WoM is too boring Rn, Iā€™m tryna get the Queen Bee set in Voxlblade.

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we can only wait

How many hours

Good job

I probably got around a thousand if I added up all of my files

wom pvp is stale rn tho

Nice I got 18 kills and 106 deaths.

rookie numbers m8

17 days later? Wow time really goes by. Btw im up to 760+


oooh nice, that is a respectable number, well under 200 hours

Not gonna let this topic close, just wanted to say I have 800 Playerkills with 70 hours in my wind file :slight_smile:

You missed 420 :pensive:

Is it 1600+ now?

skill issue moment


