I recreated Remus, The Lightning Fist in WOM

How did I do? There wasn’t the exact eyes or flat mouth, but I did my best. I also need the Muscles gamepass…

Here’s the original to compare it with.


thicc :sunglasses:

looks pretty neat, i hope magic fist comes back

Looks nice!

10 char 10 char your wom

Also Thanks!

This looks pretty accurate.

I’m going to actually level this char up.

so you tellin me “remus” is a character name (that i use) but i cant name a character “trigno”? smh

yes probably cause trigno is a major character in the lore

hey uuh
since i didnt play original aa, who was remus the lighting fist?

It seems that remus is actually a real name, and if vetex were to put Averill, Theos, Trigno as name options then there would be lots of unoriginal kids running around pretending to be fictional roblox characters that they like

he was a special npc that sold the magic fist (a fighting style) to the player

…What sea was he in?

he was in the first sea, near the starting island

Thanks, I’ll hunt him down in AL then so I can use magic fist

pretty sure most WoM players under the age of 13 have no idea who trigno or averill are

that character better have lightning magic

they do!!!