I retextured some Roblox items to make them look "Sunken"

Sunken Samurai #2

Sunken Samurai Helmet (A Retexture of the Solitary Samurai)

Sunken Katana TX Sunken Blunderbuss TX

Textures of the Sunken Katana (Retexture of the Golden katana of Destiny) and Sunken Blunderbuss (Retexture of the Blunderbuss)

What do you think about these “Sunken” retextures?


very wel done, i would actualy be interested if every major region had some form of sunken equipment that fits with the regions culture, the sunken samurai helmet/katana could be the sunken items for the keihatsu region

It looks pretty nice, I personally think darker colours on the helmet would give it more of that bottom of the ocean feel, but they are still :ok_hand:.

I can see the replies now:
“WhY DiD u ReTexTuRe A GuN, GuNs WoNt bE iN WoM”
vetex confirmed guns do exist in magius, so dont reply this please.
Btw textures are sick

That would be nice, and they wouldn’t have to be culture-locked based on the rarity of the Sunken Samurai helmet and Katana.

Thanks for the appreciation, i’m sure guns can appear in WoM but probably won’t be usable :frowning:

Really nice :+1:

I would say though, make the wood/handle colors match the blade,
such as making the wood on the gun really dark, and making the handle color gold

I thought it was dark enough but thanks for the feedback! I can make handles dark, golden, or match if I make more retextures.

I decided to retexture the Flintlock pistol into a Sunken Flintlock.

Black Balaclava #1

Although I retextured the “Ice & Fire ninja mask” into a Balaclava, I think they should be in the game as an accessory that can warm you up in colder areas.

Blunderbuss TX (Improved)
I decided to improve the Blunderbuss texture.