who the fuck uses magic size and who the fuck is capable of aiming a god damn fuckin beam mid air

I meant as in beam size I thought you would understand it from the context, but I thought wrong. also I said beam size as in decreasing it makes it go farther :confused:

decreasing beam size makes it much harder to aim and doesnt give much more range

Sounds like a you problem.

no thats a YOU problem because ill be the one running

I’ve uhh fought one of the people who had god tier aim and prediction and I can 100% confirm this is possible. I even questioned myself how they understood the mechanics of magic pvp perfectly.

I don’t have such skill issues as you do :sunglasses:

yeah but thats like
one out of 5000 possible people that you will meet

Mmmmmtrue however if you’re one of those who kos a lot, that chance gets higher.

also lets hope they aint exploiting or else they would be in an esports team



im lafing

amien https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6oTIjvw_-8

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