I think it would be cool if it was harder to sail the seas

Here’s a little context, I currently see no danger in just sailing in a straight line anywhere, but in actual seas, that would be a bad idea because of currents, enemies(which are in the game already), tides, wind, and much more, I’m not saying make it where you have to basically be an expert, but I would appreciate some difficulty.

this will NEVER make it into the game

people had a hissy fit and complained about a lack of a map marker so much vetex had to add it, so good luck getting literally anyone to try to make some of the game harder


What exactly do you even want though? Two are ingame and the other two are unnecessary.

Like warmwater said people would also just complain about more difficulty like if not sailing with the wind makes it so you don’t move or extremely slowly even with resilience

Just a ton of noobs.
They can beat Elius, but can’t sail without a marker. Lmao.

Bro is from 2014 :sob:

we already got rough seas, whirlpools, and we’re supposed to have tornadoes and blizzards too

This dark sea in a nut shell. Dark sea will be fun and challenging . Also this is the bronze sea, we’re still in very early development of the game.

their idea was flawed in removing the player marker in order to encourage learning how to navigate, a better way would be to make learning how to navigate using everchanging currents, winds, and otherwise a bit more rewarding in the bronze sea, but make it a crucial step later on. I guess I didn’t say that correctly.

fps dip



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don’t we already have wind direction, the game tells you about it when you first get the sailboat

There are two ship stats that are entirely dedicated to things that affect sailing in a straight line

I feel like most of the things you mentioned are already in-game

You remember the response to it before it was added?
I believe it was this:

Well that “bunch” is a big part of the community, including me
FYI I struggled with elius

Okay, I will fix previous message. I hope Vetex will atleast remove marker in the Dark sea to make it harder to get back.

Rest in peace nerves.

He will remove the marker in dark sea actually! Except he won’t, there will be a dark sea compass item


I prefer dark sea compass to map marker, since without it you could lose your bearings and get lost extremely easily (not to mention I managed to do that even with a map marker)
As a side note, for some reason the map marker constantly updates in the dark sea currently rather than updating whenever you open the map like how it does most of the time outside the dark sea

Whenever I travel long distances for cargo running, I can tab out of roblox, and then come back to check every now and then if I’m about to hit an island or not. Moving between islands is easily the least engaging part of the game rn, but I don’t think the solution is adding routine pve obstacles every time the player wants to sail anywhere, cause that’ll just get boring and annoying