even if you don’t charge it though, it’s a placed explosion with 375 damage.
This is why I say nerf placed explosions, why do they start up so fast especially for NPCs that can spam it(autoaim)?
even if you don’t charge it though, it’s a placed explosion with 375 damage.
This is why I say nerf placed explosions, why do they start up so fast especially for NPCs that can spam it(autoaim)?
i found carina to be the easiest post-iris boss, i beat her first try with like 3/5 health (i slipped up in the end and just tried to spam aoe attacks to end the fight quickly instead of doing it normally)
Yeah, I only had trouble due to her low endlag. After grinding Elius and Cerynx, I was used to waiting for them to miss an attack and I can wail on them.
Carina depends on you countering her lunges, instead of waiting for an attack to end.
it becomes his easiest to dodge and best punish the instant you know how it works lol
This is bs, I’m running crystal and metal (my blast is a greatsword) and dodge it like just fine in fact it may even be easier with slower magics because the travel time actually lets you wait for it to hit before you dodge
You say you know how to deal with it and still can’t but in truth you just don’t know how to deal with it
I’m shitting myself reading this knowing I need to face this boss eventually (I’m not that far in, only cirrus island or whatever)
Oh yeah on top of this you’re wrong about not being able to grind after you reach him, just leave via the mountains and don’t enter town.
okay but like can we all agree how goofy the difficulty scaling is?
shura - joke
iris - wohaha silly bahaha
Argos - goofy choofy boofy
did you rush through the story or fight pirates and treasure charts before cirrus
i did and i had like 200 defense by the time i got there and he only got me to around half
well yes and no.
You can’t enter the town with all kinds of quests to help you grind, you need to go to some other area and find quests to grind, despite there being quests.
and if you have a ton of quests accepted in ravenna, your out of luck, you cant do any of them. which is what happened to me, i had like 4 ravenna quests which i saved and was going to do after I was done with the main story i was gonna push through the side quests.
You don’t need quests to grind lol. Run cargo from sailors lodge to redwake and you’ll level up a ton. Actually explore, people underestimate the ammount of xp tasks give you.
In the long run, playing the game exploring and partaking in the systems outside of just the story will prepare you for the story.
Just killed him and tbh elius and Argus were harder
He seems pretty annoying but complaining about the ult is funny to me. Should Monster Hunter remove the adult Xero’jiiva nuke move because the only way to survive it is to hide behind cover? The entire point of the move is that you either interupt it or take the damage
Imma be honest I had less trouble with his pillar explosion whatever that you have to interrupt and more trouble with his blasts in second phase, he spammed those so much bro i never had time to reposition after dodging one lol
The barrage was his only good move
I think the biggest issue is the sheer difference in difficulty with Calvus and every other boss in the game
Like, I can off Carina and only take ~300 in damage, the fight is pretty short, and the reward is usually just a flat 50 galleons because boss drops suck
Then you do Calvus, it takes way longer because he teleports around way too much
Deadass, it feels like he’s the player who’s spamming dodge like no tomorrow sometimes
But you spend 5x the effort to clear Calvus compared to any other boss and you get 70 galleons
He definitely feels rewarding to kill
20 more galleons doesn’t sound that rewarding ngl, his drop rate isn’t even increased or anything so rip.
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