I get what they were going for, but for most its not fun and is just insanely difficult. The mechanics are too punishing considering they are never directly explained, since one of his attacks can insta-kill you and is borderline impossible to avoid without taking a hit .
Other boss mechanics are really fine,
Argo on his third phase draws you in for a large rapid aoe attack and can teleport to take hits in his first phase if your zoning too much
Eilus will counter with a rain of thunder arrows and use lightning if you fail to attack him on the pillars or stay too far away for his other attacks to reach
The lady in the field who’s name escapes me, since she’s mainly melee will teleport in her second phase with a downward kick to avoid zoners just mopping the floor with her
Cernyxs gimmick is that while he has low health, his attacks are relentless and aoe obscure him to make it less easy to just get a huge amount of damage off
You want to know what makes all of these bosses fine? The bosses don’t immediately kill you if you don’t decide to adhere to the mechanic. They deal damage you could avoid, but your not forced to cheese it and be perfect.
Calvus does not do that, if you fail to adhere to his interupt mechanic, he will deal at minimum 500 damage since dodging the first blast is near impossible, and at most 1500 damage very quickly.
The thing about these mechanics is that the best way to avoid the unneccesary damage is to adhere to the mechanic, interupting calvus will more often than not still punish you by forcing you to take unavoidable damage. This is because unless you use the fastest possible attacks, you’ll be left unable to move or act, especially with magic.
Since calvus can use this move repeatedly (meaning he used the potentially instakill move 3 times, aka 9 hits, atleast 3 of which are near unavoidable), it just makes you take nearly unavoidable damage. Especially when he can get himself wedged in a spot you can’t reach without using magic, which means you’ll take the hit no matter what because magic has huge end lag.
Vetex if your reading this, as unlikely as it is. Don’t take this personally, but your not fromsoft. This ain’t darksouls. The expectation of perfection requires the systems involves to function perfectly so that success is entirely dependant on player skill.
You can’t design a boss that demands near perfection, when half the systems in the game are unfinished (no potions, many weapons have unimplemented skills, no spirit weapons, everything wrong with berserker), and theres a good 20% chance the boss will wedge himself somewhere and spam his instakill explosion attack where you cant reach him.
you gotta tone things down a bit. Hardwalling players especially considering raveanna is locked out until you finish is really discouraging to most players and are just gonna make them play something else. I understand its your vision, the thing about a singular vision is that it can be very limited and you wouldn’t notice.