I want to buy World of Magic

Vetex has just now discontinued support for World of Magic. However, there may be some people that would love to work on the game, or at the least view the code to improve their own abilities.

So here’s the question, @Vetex, what would be your minimum price to sell World of Magic’s game files? (if any at all, of course)

Personally, I only have 2000 robux. I know it’s probably outside of your price range, but I’d say that’s enough to buy Riverville atleast, so hmu if you’re down for that exchange :call_me_hand:.

Edit: thumbnail image

that aint happening bro

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I mean you can always just recreate the game from scratch like a bunch of other people are currently doing.
Considering how Vetex has been in the past in terms of his old games, there’s little chance of him ever releasing the code and models, along with ever selling them to anyone for that regard.

(Im no Dev Ex expert, so take this with a grain of salt)
You’re forgetting that in terms of Dev-Ex, 2k Robux is practically worthless, with it being taxed twice before reaching Vetex (once for the initial purchase, being a 30% tax, and another tax in the dev ex process).
Using this devex calculator I found, 2k robux roughly translates to ten cents.
Considering how Vetex is currently suffering from financial troubles, I dont think thats gonna cut it.

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I don’t think that’ll be happening
Also, the code might not make it feel the same if its literal different

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The chad “does extensive research on the game to rebuild it from the ground up” vs the average Joe “can I buy your game”



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I’m mainly being half silly, but the other half serious just wants to look at how vetex organizes his code

I’m just getting into programming and I’d love to see the code from someone as veteran as vetexgames

Watch it be
type coding

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The silly

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you mean obfuscated?
that would be really fucking funny lmao

From what I heard in the Arcane Origins server (before it went bottoms up), was apparently that Online Fighting’s code wasn’t all that great.

I myself haven’t looked at it yet though, so take that with a grain of salt (although it would make sense for anyone’s first project to be relatively bad)

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