I want to like this game

Or just remove non-consensual pvp altogether, that shit has literally been ruining the update for me

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That’s also a good solution

better yet, revert the renown system to aa reputation
would give more weight to your actions

Remove this feature as well while you’re at it, or at least its leaderboard.
Its only purpose is to rank up in story factions and to get useless cosmetics (titles)

yeah, make bounty worked up by sinking good ships and killing hero npcs and “fame” (which would be assassination bounty) worked up by killing criminal npcs and sinking evil ships

make it so you rank up in organizations by collecting “Assassin Honor” or “Navy Referrals” which are gained by bounty hunting criminal/hero npcs/players

keep in mind you would only work up bounty if doing something that openly made the other guys target you, similar to WoM (e.g. killing sirens and atlanteans would not give bounty or fame)

other than all of this, for organizations and things revert it to aa reputation
(note: this version of “fame” is only a thing so assassins can keep existing)

if you wanna be good at pvp

  1. (most important) have good pc and internet
  2. abuse the most meta broken builds and stats
  3. use potions when you start losing

Use potions regardless

Lmao everyone hates noble

if you just want to focus on the non pvp aspects i’d try to specifically pick a low playercount server (instead of hitting play on your save, go to servers, sort by players, scroll to the bottom)

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Yeah, i had this issue before as well. The best you can do is to log off or brew potions (love gel) to disable their attacks temporarily, but that also doesn’t function particularly well.

Had someone else talk about the idea of pvp active and pvp deactive servers once (aka one has pvp active, the other has it deactivated) and that would honestly be quite a good idea- but i am quite sure that wouldn’t get included bc that would “lower the playerrate” (aka the toxic motherfuckers would get mad that they won’t be able to gank anymore. But no, we totally do not aid the pvpers with the updates)


it would also make people like me mad that we couldnt kick people spamming shit off our ships by force

insanity 5 gel

Ways for Vetex to fix it.

Pvp toggle
Make elysium free
Only pvp on certain islands

He is probably not going to do any of these players because it makes him bank.

don’t play ao trust me!

we’re inching towards this one, castrum has pvp disabled

Vetex can’t flipping decide on what he wants this game to be. It’s trying to be an exploration sim, a PVP gankfest, a PVE fighting game, a sailing game, and an achievement hunter all at once.

Vetex my man, some of these are just incompatible with one another. Please take a moment to think about what you actually want AO to be. And stop trying to make it everything at once.


In an effort to appeal to all markets, vetex fails to appeal to most people

can we just revert renown to aa reputation already

He wants it to be an “MMORPG” but he thinks that a few multiplayer features (trading, PvP, player auctions, clans, clan building, factions, maybe more?) is going to turn it into one (it won’t)

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