I was discobots first and only like (Nevermind I wasn't but still it is weird)

Experimenting with trying a new format in my shop in PM’s with discobot as I usually, do and usually it auto responds with “ping me and say this to see what I can do or whatever” but then it also gave me an auto like :face_with_monocle:

Guess I’m just that cool :sunglasses:

Note: after further investigation, this like is not from it giving to me but to burgr, since unlike as I originally thought even if you give a like to a PM it won’t show on your profile, though still, it hasn’t ever given a like to any of my PM’s with it prior

do be on the lookout for when i change the format of my shop cuz i will want feedback if the new format or old one is better :wink: srapped due to me being bothered by the visible html mark things

p.s: just now i realized that this topic is kind of clickbait now cuz turns out im wrong

special thanks to @stupidfall for being some random person i dont know that i just shouted out.

Didn’t work :frowning:

You’re not cool enough to get a like from discobot ultra :sunglasses:

@discobot What do I need to do to earn your love? Write you a poem?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d10

How much do you love me (scale of 1 to 10)?

:game_die: 3

@discobot @discobot @discobot

@discobot do you like cheetos


:game_die: 4
