I was told that Clan Infamy would reset when the Empires Update releases. Is this true?

To be more specific, I was told that the update was delayed til next month, and infamy would reset to 0, or 50K if your clan is above that threshold. I’ve been grinding infamy at Silverhold in every spare moment for a week straight. I’m tired. I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find anything about infamy resetting. Please, someone, tell me this isn’t true. I have 30 fucking copies of the Bronze Sea Abolitionist badge. I’ve spent unenthusiastic hours fishing while the Silverhold Infamy ticks. I’ve tried to recruit people to help but they only gain like 100 Infamy when I tell them to claim an island, and just never claim one again. I’ve watched servers slowly die as I beg my offline friends to join to enable infamy. All that for 25K Infamy, and another week of it if I have to get 20K more Infamy to not get merced by Vetex. Please. I have 20 Commodore Kai’s Sabres. I traded 10 of the 30 for a Dark Sea Essentia. I’m starting to feel bad for the families of the Marines I’m killing. I want to rest.

tv announcer voice
Aaaand that’s why you should join The Lifebringers today!

Balance team tried for no reason, but thankfully vetex said that people’s hard work would not be wiped in patreon chat

just curious, how much infamy has that gained you?

this is so fucking real it hurts

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try 430,000

25,000. Which means I could theoretically continue torturing myself to get on the leaderboard in a matter of months but I do in fact want to have fun playing the game

Do you need a hug

in a week? those are some big numbers… :thinking:
what’s ur process to claim silverhold? do u solo it?

I solo it in 60-90 minutes.

  1. Join a new, active, non-ganker-filled server
  2. Have 5-star notoriety (if not present, gain it by killing merchant npcs)
  3. Go to Silverhold and blow up Kai if the barrels aren’t glitched (only use 5 if you want his loot)
  4. Sink the notoriety ships that come after you WITH YOUR BOAT. (If the NPCs jump you before you sink it, circle it and keep firing your cannons.
  5. Defeat the NPCs that jump you (if they start becoming too strong, go somewhere Gravy NPCs can’t jump or run to like Blackwater Grotto or a Jaws Spire and follow step 7 as usual.)
  6. Blow up Kai again and go back to your boat.
  7. Wait 60 seconds out of combat including ship being attacked by navy members. Good idea to brew potions and cook meals for boosts while you wait.
  8. Reset so the Notoriety ships keep coming.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 until you can claim it.
  10. Sink the proceeding inbound forces and run to a hiding place.


  • Higher tier ships sinking loses the Gravy more influence, and the only way to spawn those is to have high Notoriety.
  • Resetting when engaged with Gravy-related combat automatically arrests you, which clears your notoriety AND loses you time, hence the 60 second cooldown.
  • Not being able to fight higher tier NPCs and having to hide is a fair tradeoff because their ships give a shit ton of influence loss (Heavy ones give 2% per), so the time investment is roughly even.

i wrote an essay for you

no i need to get to 500k

I promise you don’t :sob:

yes i do