I will make the perfect build

that’s right. I’m gonna make a build so good that it fits every single class in the game. It will have almost every stat in it (only a tiny bit of intensity though) and a good amount of power and defense. Soon everyone shall run this build


Nezt update: New boss drop that gives every stat and overshadows every build

Agility sunken would kill this game :sob:
no one would want intensity sunken

Wind, Poison and Ash Troll builds in question:

Attack size is better than intensity for wind
Intensity would probably be around 40-65 but that still works



I will you will see
This build will be W
Oh and you don’t need more than a 100 in each stat so that’s a hint I’ll be giving you

not really, the meta rn is agility and attack speed so basically Sunken Warrior, Arcsphere, Caped Silver Pauldrons (Blasted on both) with Morencis), so it would just become the new sunken with candelarias instead maybe

so like, this? (im going to make more)(maybe)

barely any power/defense. The wind conjurers will find this build mid. I’d say a maximum of 130 in each substat and minimum of 50 in each substat

how about us drawback builds smh

L your drawback kills you before I do :sob:

continuing then lemme make more

put 90 intensity because thats when it is more noticable

that’s pretty good, but one step into insanity 2 range in the dark sea or a messily insanity two gel and you are already dead :skull:

well don’t let them know (ill keep working)

this better? less insanity