I wish vetex could fix the silly imbuements

frick roblox

yea ike that would looks so sick

light imbued sword :money_mouth_face:

I should ask @bio to maybe model the idea I have in mind, if they’re up to it at least

the solid magics do some fighting styles so dirty


exceedingly rare wood L

wood l :c

yea idk i blame roblox for making them hitboxes for where the wood spawns so ass

dont even get me started on some the the metal imbues, bro got the real iron leg lmao

wait is that still in-game? I thought they removed it :slightly_frowning_face:

I actually really like double metal imbue, it looks so… geometrical and solid, really giving off the feeling of “this is going to hurt, BADLY”

cannon fist imbues are still peak


but lets be honest Crocodile build goes so hard

plus its actually possible to get him as close as to his counterpart in the anime

even some of his attacks can be named correctly which is a rare sight

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which ones?

(ngl I don’t really understand how people in anime universes come up with the names for their attacks lol)

“I agree solid magic imbues look ass”
“I disagree they look fine and I like them”

That is a fucking travesty of an imbue

wood unfortunately does not look great on imbue :pensive: one of its great weaknesses

at least on mage its insane looking

[quote=“propae, post:33, topic:126259”]
even some of his attacks can be named correctly which is a rare sight

so basically bros moves are just words in another language

like for example:

Desert Espada just means desert sword
or Sables legit meaning only sandstorm

and sables is legit just sand pillar explosion so that was easy

and Espada is just a x slice sand blast

why his face so goofy like that :skull:

he strange like that but u see what i mean