I wish vetex could fix the silly imbuements

lets be real this is goofy

what if he just made it so its just the ice texture and now the stupid crystals ong

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what are we supposed to say

i dunno

I dunno I think that looks alright, its one of the better looking solid imbuements at least.

I kinda dig the segmented design its got going on, at least from this angle.

You were saying with an ice imbuement?

wait for p2p (pay to play)

graphic lvl?

like for stuff like the sabre its fine but with weapons like the storm scimitars its a wayyy different story let me see if i can show you
like it aint even coverin the blade

will admit tho most weapons go hard especially the vindicator, although its only because it doesnt have the ice crystals to start. it is better than the first imbuement they made, looked more like snow

i will say it would look better if it didnt cut into the blade

but snow is a separate magic

Sometimes in life you don’t need to say anything, not everything needs a response

that looks sick

i think the main problem is he didn’t account for scimitars specifically, the normal and old dual swords get covered just fine

also i think bows should also get smth cuz visually they get nuthin

best imbuement tho hands down greatsword its perfection

i think the thing with it is is that it got the imbuements for each type of weapon but with weapons that have a unique design it kinda fucks em up

no he just automated the visual process for every kind of weapon using the crappy roblox square hitboxes so he doesnt have to do every single weapon by himself for each imbuement

thats why some weapons look really jank with solid imbuements

really don’t understand why solid imbues aren’t just, retexturing the weapon to make them look like the thing they’re imbuing.

like a wood imbued that made the weapon have a wooden texture while maybe having a mild charge effect under the player sounds a lot cooler compared to just… what we have now.