rollerskate-carhops are so last millenia, ice magic makes things so much easier (minus some workplace safety concerns)
might add on more to this with Archibald and some others, I’ve had an idea of them running a local diner
rollerskate-carhops are so last millenia, ice magic makes things so much easier (minus some workplace safety concerns)
might add on more to this with Archibald and some others, I’ve had an idea of them running a local diner
That’s until she loses her balance and busts her head open.
Safety first.
this actually would be pretty cool if you think about it, until somebody with fire magic burns her entire path
aw, but i can’t think of a single person who’d have the heartlessness to make her do that
Ooooooh, wait is the food ice cold too?
mf Burger
I’m slowly running out of likes ;-;
This is pretty ice.
…I’ll see myself out, now.
She better chill with the speed she’s at. At that rate, she’ll crack. But hey, I wouldn’t snow anything 'bout Ice skating. Ice can’t snow for dear life, I don’t got cold feet.
now make drifa the chef
Oh no.
What have I started.
krrt skrrt
Maple has no Minotaur to annoy so I see she uses her time wisely to have extra crowns.
jack be like:
That’s how I’m going to drift into your DMs
imagine using ice
this post was made by the wind gang
I feel a strange aura from this.