Ice Magic

I will not change your mind.

I believe you.

Ice magic has -
A god
A weird guy
and a person with actual arguments

Other magics have -
No gods
More than one weird guy.
and really generic arguments

ice is infact not the best magic

Ice magic is based.

Snow is a faster ice

snow is just really small ice so it gets a pass

snow and size have about the same hitbox size but ice just looks a lot bigger and snow looks smaller

well I was trying to make a joke about how snow flakes are small but I suppose you’re right

It’s the same size.

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i’m right here

Counterpoint: every magic is cool

You might regret that
Wood, metal(?), glass

Honestly was expecting fire or any of the heat-based magics, but ok

Wood: meh don’t have anything for or against it besides some blandness. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t even realise it’s a bad magic if I picked it up

Metal: shiny, has good close-range capqbilities and clash rates if you have ping

Glass: sound magic, bleed, glass stacks, cool aesthetic (I like some transparency)

They’re all chad except maybe explosion

Global Warming negs

Was mainly thinking that because heat-based magics are hot and I said all magics are cool

metal is cool and if you disagree you are wrong

Not as cool as Ice as Ice is literally the coolest magic, but metal is still cool.