I'd stay off ao until this exploit is patched

:skull:LMAOOOOO bro i wouldnt have made that mistake in 2018…

good thing i’m poor asf and don’t have anything worth being stolen :cry:


@Divanochi pin please
This is actually catastrophic


Man idk if I wanna get on AO, I have 2 seasonals :fearful:

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@Divanochi @liu someone pin this

this is BAD

Div offline


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K. I won’t pin it globally tho

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to summarize why we have summoned you in the most civilized, vivid, and mature way possible:



I’m up to date now.

Holy shit this is bad.

No one trade anything to anyone unless you trust them 100%

NO ONE gets my special hat.


If you’re in the game they can take it
You don’t have to trade


welp there goes playing AO until this gets patched

I don’t wanna lose my red skull hat, it’s like my signature accessory :sob:

Even worse :sleeper:

Hope this gets fixed asap, dunno why exploiters are going all in on AO rn

Hearing how it works it definitely wasn’t that hard to make and probably won’t be that hard to patch

man they can take my stuff they aren’t gonna take my experience

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you’re giving them ideas :sleeper:

what if the exploiter was among us

Because its new and popular