I'd stay off ao until this exploit is patched

Wait so how did he lose his items it happened automatically or did he accept a trade


The announcement was wrong
You don’t have to interact with them


what if the real exploiter was the friends we made along the way

It appears I’ll have to play on file 2 now

on jod? damn, no ao for us then

it’s gotta be fish he is the exploiter!!!

Trading will be disabled until its fixed

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Would I be safe playing on a second profile

Yeah but I’d just wait until trading is disabled
Just know any item on that profile can be stolen

the only way to prevent it is to literally not play the game, welp time for 0 trading

I would have preferred AO to come out a week or even month later to prevent things like this happening

Trading is gonna be disabled

Is there a trade tracker to restore people for things like this ?

The amount of unsanitized remotes concerns me. I hope Vetex learns from this as a developer to make sure he sanitizes his remotes when developing.

Since shade has put this in the news channel of the discord, I will pin this globally

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