I'd stay off ao until this exploit is patched

Vetex should shut down the game temporarily and make sure his remotes are properly sanitized.

Based, keep up the good work this is a really worrying situation to be in and itā€™s a miracle Iā€™m not able to play right now


Wait what? I donā€™t understand what the hell happened

Thereā€™s a way for exploiters to take all your items without you noticing if youā€™re just in their server.

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Yeah currently you should not play arcane odyssey untill this exploit is gone

The scary thing about this exploit is that the exploiters can probably give you a lot of their stolen items easily to make it look like youā€™re the exploiter and get you banned. Would definitely not play AO at the moment.

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the fact an exploiter can just sweep your inventory like its nothing is crazy :skull:

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Holy crap ah heil naaaa Iā€™m outta here btw how do I know if this happened to me? It doesnā€™t seem like Iā€™ve gained or lost any items

If you still have all your inventory items then you arent affected

They usually take all of your items but they could also be sneaky with it. It happens when they send you a trade and if you look at your inventory your items are gone.

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Leave the server then
You werenā€™t robbed yet


Yeah nah I already left a while ago just if they give me stuff so someone thinks Iā€™m the exploiter how do I know that? Maybe theyā€™ll just give one item right

This guy is a menace holy

I doubt the testers wouldā€™ve caught on to these issues, meaning all delaying wouldā€™ve done is push this issue back and given Vetex more time to add more content.

Thereā€™s been images of exploiters having thousands of rare scrolls and weapons so make sure you donā€™t look like you have something you shouldnā€™t.

I meant just spending time having a better anti chest

I would now recommend staying off even more now, since now the exploiters found a way to take your items without trading.

Can someone send me another video of stand Deadman or whatever? I know heā€™s a bad guy but heā€™s a savage I need more clips pls ;-;

Using basic searching I found that his main roblox account is probably tokyohorror