I'd stay off ao until this exploit is patched

i friended him during wom’s shutdown

Oh god we gotta duo as the worst class for calvus

Time to spam shot and get cernyx drops

Yeah that’s his main lmao

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Vetex is going to have a million pings in discord once he gets on

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vetex when:


Common awesomeOS W

Anyway this guy got a forum account or what?

looks like we might be saved now
no discord announcement tho, so not sure

I’d rather have him post that with the other bug fixes for an update



i checked but no

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bro its an exploit that causes full inventory stealing it cant wait

I don’t think he’s in Vetexs discord either

No way ur not being satire

only mentions of him there are of other people discovering its his main

Went through his profile again, he’s a developer in a couple projects other than that I couldn’t find much interesting on his groups (only did a quick scan)

that proves he knows about coding which could have helped him make the script