I'd stay off ao until this exploit is patched

That’s literally what I said but ok
I forgot to say “for an update right now”



how did yall even reach this conclusion

cause you were the only one on their friends list and you play ao

Genuine shame that ROBLOX doesn’t provide powerful tools to stop exploiters.
The platform would be so much better if you could ban a player via their IP from your game.
Sure you can get around it but it’d be harder which is key to reducing exploiter counts.

Little Timmy can google “AO script no virus”
But will he learn how to dodge an IP ban? Probably not.

@ThatOneGuy If this is true, this man is not welcomed in our club

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framer framer framer

why’d you accept the request then?

yes its pathetically easy

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Thinks nows a good time to unpin since the hotfix has been pushed

oh it got fixed literally as i was scrolling through this thread then

good work guys :slight_smile:

This dude stealing from me only to find 70 pumpkins and some low level gear

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arent pumpkins valuable food though

id be happy to have 70 pumpkins wdym

I might be unreasonable, but even with the hotfix out I am scared to play. What if there are other ways people can steal my items? What if all the stuff on my 200 hour file is just gonna get snatched away in a single second? I can never know. Even if they say the exploit is fixed the fact it was there in the first place is giving me incredible pause.

This one’s sanity must have crumbled.


just got my stuff taken, the exploit still seems to be working atm

Do you have a clip of this happening or the username of who took ur items?