Low reputation (Tyrant or lower) should be able to wear the item ‘Mysterious Mask’ in the vanity slot to be able to hide their identity, so that civilians wont run away and they can use shops inside towns. There will be unique dialogue from civilians when wearing the mask.
Friendly Civilian:
“Why are you wearing that mask? It’s so… eerie. I don’t think I can trust you…”
Unfriendly Civilian :
“That mask looks stupid on you. Take that off at once.”
This will however have some restrictions such as the following:
- You cannot accept quests from civilians because they don’t trust you / know your identity.
2.Using a spell will scare civilians in a short to medium radius, you will have to be on your best behaviour.
Instead of bounty hunters / Magic council scouts / Wizards noticing you right away, they will instead enter the suspicion state (the one with a grey question mark) and after 3 seconds of being in their line of sight, they will be alerted and start attacking you.
The same behaviour of NPCs’ states in point 3 should be with civilians when you have a bounty. Except they run away.
I thought of hiding the name for players too, but I have a feeling that it wont be added to the game.
Edits : Forum kept thinking point 2 was repeated twice, which it wasn’t