Ideal reaction kit

If I had it my way, the reactions would be

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
:flushed: :skull: :st3:
:sob: :money_mouth_face: :alien:

Not a single emotion that I can’t gert across with this kit.

It’d hardly be a topic if I didn’t ask. What is your ideal reaction kit?

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Well the only thing I would change is to change :money_mouth_face: or :alien: with the :moyai:
I don’t know what :money_mouth_face: or :alien: is supposed to mean

:money_mouth_face: is the ideal reaction for a good feature being added, or even a “zamn” moment.

:alien: is ideal for zleep zlorble zoop
In other words, hivemind mentality. When something makes no sense, and you just go with it anyway cus it’s funny

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Oh yeah that makes sense


Bogos binted?

Yeeah, you get it. :alien: :alien:

(I am filling this topic with nothing actually notable)

:skull: - speechless
:sob: - bruh wtf :sob:
:fire: - pirate writing
:moyai: - based
:st3: - vetex moment
:question: - huh

I think it would be infinitely funnier if every 3 months, 9 users’ pfps were voted to be used for reactions.

What would it mean if I reacted to something with [Mirage]? Maybe it’s Julian simp material. Or if I used [Mr. Hyperspace], maybe I’m reacting to modifiers.

We will promote no negativity!

Those are lowkey the same thing

i edited my message edit yours

(by this I mean yeah this is good)

You can’t dictate how :st3: is used just by saying that’s what it’s for.

i have no mouth and i must scream lookin ahh

vetex moment

Good news is, Stock, you probably would probably make the cut for a reaction in this ridiculous hypothetical.

I wouldn’t really like that.

when someone is acting hyper nerdy or something thats the stocksounds emoji
in other words yrni0 emoji

I will now interpret what these emojis mean by stealing how fartman did it
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: - Hehe you’re so goofy!
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: - Awww thanks you too!
:face_with_raised_eyebrow: - Excuse me what?
:flushed: - :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but more
:skull: - How do I even define :skull:
:st3: - Go look at the entire thread where people talked about what it means
:sob: - Aw hell nah what da
For :money_mouth_face: and :alien: look at the first few relpies

oh yeah, nope
st3 has a neutral connotation
fire has a positive connotation