My main file on my main account
Same file on the huge boat in ironport
My acid file
My shadow file
My light file that a deleted for plasma

My ice file on my pvp alt
And my gold boss farmer file. Holy shit i just threw so many pics at once
only screenshots I have of my main and only file is after killing a fishmonger, there are 67 of these pictures, it’s a hobby.
you. fucking. MONSTER.
Broly vibes
It’s what I hate most about WoM. Not Exiled’s Raging Storm, not SunCry or Doge Nation, not the MC, not the tedious process of fishing, not how long it takes to go from point A to point B with absolutely no life side from a few bandits, not client sided magic blasts, none of that. Simply this NPC type. I hate them.
Why tho i wanna milk em dry
Because I like smiths and merchants/smugglers and when looking for them it feels like they’re the only NPC I find. Now they feel a bit more rare, probably because I’m actively hunting for them too, but still this hatred persists.
Fishmongers absolutely ruin metchant runs
what if u need bait and a traveling conveniently shows up
Just go to summerhold or any town lol. If you can fish for hours then I’m sure you can spend a minute or two walking to buy fish bait.
Ok but what about people with low reputation huh
new file
I’ll have to spend the next 20 minutes looking for an image I uploaded last year.
I went faster than I expected,I found the hidden tavern full of bandits as I spent my time farming the exiled my reputation was low so I took pictures(Then came the destruction)
X:will you release me?
I:I don’t want problems with the council