If any magic had any usefulness irl, what do you think they can be used for?

Getting rid of bodies

Defeats any armed Texan


Producing concrete

If you’re an extremely weak ash magic user, superior pepper spray, will likely cause severe burns and nerve damage


Idk? Maybe make shadow glasses so people can see how it is to be black/white color blind

but ya this is garbo


can we all come together and agree that the most useful one is iron/gold? it will help a ton with construction

And for war. Just hire a bunch of Metal magic users to make bullets for you.

Amongst other things. (Gold is used in phones + bullets as said)

yes, sadly it wont make you instantly rich because supply = demand and when you spawn in 9 billion metric tons of gold every second the supply gets real big.

if i figure out a way to kill someone as quickly as possible with it then hell yea

just control the supply, like how diamonds are controlled

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The more I think about it the more worthless magic kind of is… It despawns quickly, chances are you’ll die from it, it’s a shitty self defense thing since the charge is slow and it will probably kill you.

North Korea bitch

add “meth” at the end and u got urself a use

throw in the face of an unfortunate person

Explosion can be used for demolition

Crystals are also used in various electronics and much more

Sand is REALLY needed for companies and did you know that 2/3 of the world’s beaches are shrinking?

I hope acid can be whichever chemical that isn’t alkaline because that would be sick

Ash can be used to make fertilizer I think

Dunno about shadow and snow

I just remembered that anything but heat magics are useless because in lore, it’s said that they kinda just cease to exists after a while
Heat from heat magic is cool
Lightning can proudly be stored hopefully

actually yk what screw it I’m going with a lost magic
If I get life magic I can start a “healing” business where I make a shit ton of money by getting money from desperate people, I wouldn’t be an asshole and charge thousands of dollars but I would charge like 200$
Demand would start racking up as people in the world find out that I can heal injuries that normal places cannot and i become rich and become a powerful figure

now imagine if magics didnt just kinda cease to exist, which would be the most useful then?

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Idk probably Lightning as controlling electricity is really fucking overpowered

lol if you can control electricity you can do a fuck ton more than just shoot lightning

enjoy being god!

basically yeah, if you can learn to control it properly and to a minimal point, you could even control human inputs (the shocks sent through the brain and nervous system)

ay yo you look at me weird

have fun not processing anything for the rest of your life

what :upside_down_face:

that’s what the nerve control would be like