If different forumers took different personality tests, what would their results likely be?

this makes me wonder if people who act kind online are actually horrible in real life

These personality tests are bogus anyways

yeah, you canā€™t really simplify the human brain into a couple words, people are super complicated

should i take one or two or something?

yea, theyā€™re fun

which ones?

You can for fun, but donā€™t use emā€™ as a proper way to gauge your personality

i took a gay test last week and it said that iā€™m a little bit gay

i might use those tests to get a rough idea on my story characterā€™s personalities

well this thread has been about the myers-briggs personality test at 16personalities.com, but i think silly ones like what power youā€™d have or which undertale soul you are are more fun

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hold on a minute iā€™m going to look something up

i remember finding a test about if youre a main character or side character

thereā€™s no fucking way

iā€™ve changed my mind about personality tests being fun

should iā€¦ take it?

i went on it and it gave me a couple giggles actually, itā€™s probably meant to be ironic


i got antagonist

Briefly going back on topic

Immediately going back to what was being discussed
I got wise mentor as well

i remember taking the test some time ago, but lemme retake it
