If different forumers took different personality tests, what would their results likely be?

title is self explanatory

infp-t apparently

couldnt tell you what that means

I felt like this would be obvious, but ENFP-T, the “campaigner” one. Don’t see it, but it is what it is. @sock , you are next. DO THE TEST!!

i did it a few uears ago, i got intp or intj i think, forget what the title is

Uhhh, last I checked, Im likely an Ambivert cause I got a 45-55 ratio on the Extraversion-Introversion one so uhhh :sweat_smile:


Do it again pookie, I request thou to do the test ONCE MORE! (I can vouch, INTP or INTJ, one of them.)

evil killer

I have a personality, yes.
but I haven’t studied it well enough yet, so I would probably fail the test :frcryin:

Am I going to do something about that? no
Do I want to do something about it? also no
Do I care enough to know which letters best describe my personality? probably not, since that sounds kinda stupid.
)instead of personality, it’d be fun if you judged people based on their favourite AO build(

shadow mage for me :skull:

you already know everyone’s reactions to that one…

For myself, I like to dabble into some more niche builds. My favourite of which I call mud sailor (earth + sailor) with high agility and decent size armour.

INFP-T whatever that means :I

Oh this one will be judged alright

nah, i’ll just go with this email i got the first time i did it, intp-a apparently

Yo, fellow Infp! (Though, I might also be an ENFP due to the almost 50/50 split of Introversion and Extroversion lol)

I got weird results since I got an exact split in like 3 of them which means I could maybe be placed in any introverted related categories (IXXX)

gimme the test, I’m suprised I haven’t heard about it before.

(Unless it’s a physical medical test :/)

it’s the myers-briggs personallity test, should be 16personalities.com i think

I got an INFP-A.

I mean that’s cool I guess.

i feel like i act much more toxic online

i don’t think you could’ve gotten a more antithetical result