If i made a forum DnD

I agree with the discord thing. It will prevent people destroying everything as easily.

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Legit just whipped up a fairy character on dndbeyond


Any house rules I need to know about?
Whats the general setting of the world we will be playing in?
Is anything planned, are you planning it now, or, will you rip it all out of your ass as we play?

planning it now, if you call this planning
Bad D&D Ideas

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As a DM, I can respect that.

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general setting and world is a

and i’m currently comming up with house rules, what I have so far is no forumer genocide at the start of the campaign

Oh god

Oh also almost forgot to ask, has anyone made a character for themselves? I would like to know about the party.
Another thing- When will the game be held? You might not know yet though, so I don’t expect an answer.

I kind of have an idea for a chaotic-good sand conjurer

Tell me more.
It sounds interesting.

I don’t got much more other than that he’s pretty freakin reckless

Well you have a basis now. Plus a flaw. Might have some RP potential.

i think today i might come around to try setting up a discord

i ask @tylkojednowglowie and @GlitchingEclipse will you help me manage it?

Yeah sure, though I’m not one very well versed in running discord servers.

I do some dnd, it’s pretty fun

Sure why not

Same here

Reviving this thread

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