If vetex never created arcane adventures this would have not happen

Crazy to think that vetex making games on roblox lead to all of us meeting on AA/WOM/AO which also lead to us one day deciding to go on a trip together on a different country to climb a mountain

@Phewka @Fiter120 @ Mako(not on forums anymore) @ headinupnorth @Chiya

Thanks, Vetex
Special thanks best best AS pvper for creating the guild we met in


truly an arcane adventure

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It has truly been an arcane adventure.
This is the real endgame

Never thought Id see the day that something like this was gonna happen :pray:

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im taking the credit for that

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wtf that’s awesome
congrats, hope you guys had fun!

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What mountain was it?

Mount othrys

plainest t-shirts of all time