If you could add a magic variation to the game?

f it black water

would that be like the stuff from nukes

you mean uranium?

no i mean when they drop a nuke the radioactive particles go into the sky and get absorbed by clouds i think or maybe they make a cloud i cant remember but anyway when the rain falls it carries radioactive particles with it

oh nuclear water/acid rain

yeah sure ig

ink magic variation for water


I said this too, and i agree

ink revival, but not really

That stained glass suggestion I saw months ago

Yellow water :flushed:

Dude, glass mosaic variation would be SICK

white ash like how it is in real life


Imagine it’s just mosaic tiles for projectiles and stuff and all the glass pieces when it shatters are different colors

That would be so cool dude i’d actually consider using it :sunglasses:

piss, deal with it

x4 effectiveness against anti vax kids

Shit, cry about it

mosaic glass= firing glass jesus

I would add slightly yellow water and let the chaos begin