If you could change your species would you do so and why

basically you can become any new species, even ones that don’t exist, or hybrids of any kind, what would you change into, or why would you not.

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If it had to be a real species on Earth, I definitely wouldn’t. It if could be a fictional species, I could definitely come up with something advantageous.

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makes sense

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Does “Demigod” count as a species, it just seems like being a weaker god with less responsibility.

I prefer being a cow more than anything else.

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most based reply here

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Im not a furry, I gotta make that clear, but if you look at a domestic cat you get pretty much everything.

  • Free hugs and affection
  • Free food and water
  • Free shelter
  • You don’t even need to lick yourself because your owners clean you
  • You don’t need to work a day in your life, you can just sit around the house and get fat for all everyone cares
  • If you screw up, say knocking down and shattering glassware, most punishment you get is some angry words from the human. No physical beating (my Asian PTSD), no restrictions, etc.

Making this because I’m lazy, not because I’m an edgelord hate-humanity yiff-yaff pim-pack weird-kink teen with a suit in my closet

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i’d be a salmon ngl

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probably my own custom species that are like golems but not at the same time in the traditional sense

life expectancy isn’t too high in comparison to beings around you since those same beings are trying to murder them left and right. but hey u got a powerful mother that can basically slam dunk anyone in the local multiverse ur in and u get rebirthed so thats nice.

sure it’s not the same you but ur still alive w/ your memories nonetheless, just an entirely different person.

for our reality idk, flying and being a Ferruginous Hawk might be fun or any hawk thats fast and in good numbers


I would just become a species that is powerful and immortal and can shapeshift so i can live as a human while being incredibly powerful

becoming a shapeshifter would be cool, being able to change into anything’s nice, and could even halt ageing with it too


I agree

Skinwalker. Imagine the possibilities

bird, but like a pidgeon so i could projectile shit on people yet not be hunted


id love to fuck the world up like it’s nothing

thats not a race

aw fuck

oh the misery