If you could choose 4 abilities to wield in battle, what would they be?

Medieval fantasy gang shit time:

The prompt is self-explanatory, except there are a few rules.

  1. You can only have one ability for each of 4 roles: Offensive, Defensive, Mobility, and Support. This means that you can’t have 4 offensive powers and disregard everything else. You have to have one for each.

  2. Also, you’ll be carrying these 4 specific powers with you for the rest of your life, so choose wisely.

  3. Nothing overpowered as fuck, you can’t have an offensive power that just blows the Earth into two or a mobility power that allows you to travel to the end of the universe. Something that can be used at the scale of a melee or brawl.

  4. Using abilities can drain your physical stamina (to prevent people from spamming the shit out of their powers)

Offensive: A sword slash similar to the Exiled’s
Defensive: Throw your weapon into the air, causing it to spin rapidly and deflect attacks, can be moved around through telekinesis
Mobility: Instantaneously dash where you please (around 25m/27yds)
Support: Small-scale telekinesis that can be used to move medium-sized objects (stacks of books, a chair, etc). Can even be used to lift a person if enough force is put into it.

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Pancake Magic

Support: Conjure pancake (creates a pancake)
Mobility: Eat pancake (increases run speed temporarily)
Offensive: Throw pancake (deals 0 dmg)
Defense: Pancake shield (blocks 0 dmg)


My, the solution to world hunger.


Offensive: Multi-arrow attack from a magic sword-bow hybrid that can cover a decent amount of area (yes, I know I got this from Kid Icarus).

Defensive: A sword spin that can reflect attacks as long as it isn’t very explosive.

Mobility: Limited Levitation, around 30-40m off the ground or a solid surface.

Support: Goddess’ Blessing that amplifies all abilities, as well as other stats like speed and durability temporarily, say 1-2 hours.

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wheres the hehe, Mako?



My hehe goes away when I am serious, in awe, concerned or distressed

I dont know how but this makes me scared

Offensive: water bending/water magic

Defensive: ice crystal similar to the warhammer titans

Support: healing rain

Transportation: a giant owl

onioncream magic
offensive: generic fireball blast
defense: explosion around me that knocks ppl back
mobility: generic teleport
support: superhuman regeneration/endurance

  1. Slapping people
  2. Slapping projectiles away
  3. Slapping myself to propel myself in a direction
  4. Slapping myself to self-revive

TLDR: slap


Wielding Vetex Vortex Vertex

oh nvm


You hold a semi-automated pistol.

Hypertopia: Discerning Vision

Being able to interact with the spiritual world just as effectively as the physical, you are like a medium between both realms and are thus equally proficient in receiving and interpreting information from both realms.

You are hyper-sensitive to spiritual fluctuations, and the emotional states of conscious entities are as tangible to you as the clothes on your body. So skilled are you at this that you can, by reading the intent of the target, predict their future actions to some extent.

You can only actually see one realm, though. In order for spirits to appear visibly to you, your eyes need to be completely shut.

Seal of Solomon: Divine Mastery

Over the course of your life you have interacted, sealed, and tamed an army of malevolent spiritual anomalies, but since these spirits can not interact with the physical realm (unlike you), they can only plague the will and spiritual essence of other spiritual objects. You could cast a possessing spirit out into another human being which would stop them from attacking you, among other things.

Using the seal too many times at once might result in it breaking, which would let loose all the spirits which you had previously held chained, and will likely get you killed by those malevolent spirits.


Transportation Spell
Having been born with almost no talent in actual magic, the transportation spell was the only spell you actually managed to master. You can transport yourself anywhere up to 2km from your current position.

You possess less mana than the average human, and can thus only use this spell 3 times in a day before completely running out of mana.

  1. Invisibility

  2. Scarlet Witch

  3. Dr. Strange

  4. Body Morphing

offensive: Body material morph

defensive: Immortality

Mobility: nigh omni presence with prep

Support: multiple being creation

Color: Vantablack

Cons: Every time I use these abilities I fall deeper and deeper into madness.

Where did I get this idea?

well Bog vs Blue (by acb) - YouTube

Some of these are borderline overpowered but Im not gonna judge

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Offensive: gravitational manipulation (manipulate anything at will, could also be utility)
Defensive: gravitational field to absorb and reflect attacks
Mobility: self time speed increase for the user (would also make you age faster, use carefully at will)
Support: time stop (would allow the user to freeze time and perform or set up situations as the user desires to, after the end all actions will resume)

Attack: Gun(Active)
Defense: Invisible Bulletproof shield that covers my entire body but only stops projectiles, can’t stop something like a punch(Active)
Mobility: I match the speed of the person I’m targeting, the person I’m targeting is determined at the subconscious level.(Passive)
Support: Can’t be harmed by abilities directly not indirectly(Passive)

Offensive: Neutron Magic (A magic created by me)

Neutron is basically based of neutron stars works. it can summon Quantum Tornadoes and Attacks that collapse in on themselves that explode creating even more smaller projectiles that look like tiny Neutron stars

Mobility: Energy Bursting (also made by me)

Uses the energy in the air and builds up to increase the users jump height, and running speed, as well as dodging

This one ability will count as Defensive and Support: Stillness of an Objects Time (From Re:Zero)

The ability to stop yourself, anything you’re touching or wearing in time, this in turn stops any interference from the outside world, which can create devastating shockwaves and leave the user unharmed, the only downside being if used for an extended period of time it can cause excruciating pain and possibly heart failure (and no the shockwave cannot split the earth unless an attack powerful enough to do that hits the time stop)

Yeah I can see this being OP as fuck but eh whatever

Offensive: sex
Defensive: sex
Mobility: sex
Support: sex
