basically say vetex is your friend and he lets you create your own skill scroll what is it gonna be
include skill customization and stuff if you want to
here’s mine
Ok I edited some things
alr here is new bomb spell concept (not to be confused with suggestion)
Type: Sphere, Vertical, Shockwave
Wave size (for sphere it makes the sphere smaller or bigger) less wave size = more speed and damage
Slightly smaller than placed explosion but thicker
when a shockwave hits it has intense screenshake, little knockback and inflicts the status effect of that magic (since screenshake can be problematic, maybe replace it with a stun)
the intensity of a shock wave decreases with the distance from the explosion.
explosion can send out fragments that can be swept up in the shock wave, dealing damage
waves can reflect off of hard surfaces
strategy: use for crowd control and passive damage
How would it be affected by attack speed size and intensity? (they didn’t have to make intensity complicated by splitting it into potency and stat duration gems leaving it with cooldowns -_-)
A sticky bomb blast spell. Made to counter block and add a psycholigcal element to mage-play. Has a customizable explosion interval, so you can delay the time it’ll take for the blast to explode- longer exploding time, more(or higher? whichever makes more sense, considering it’s essentially an unblockable move. or maybe there is no dmg increase at all). You can stack the sticky bombs with a limit of five.
It’s like a fancier javelin, except the explosion is ripped from Placed and Self explosion effects and the AOE is much bigger.
mixture of beam and javelin
high startup but high damage too
manifest a bolt of magic in your hand and forcefully throw it at the target, basically sunlight spear dark souls
The way it would work, is that you’d shoot a projectile, that would (depending on if it hits a person or the environment) would grab the person or grab a chunk out of whatever terrain was hit. Then that person/chunk, would be pulled towards the person who cast the spell, for them to throw in whichever direction they choose.
Thrown people would arc towards the ground for balance reasons
and would take damage when they hit environment.
Thrown chunks of terrain are where things would get really interesting, however. These would act like a blast of the magic which corresponds with whatever substance the chunk of terrain is made of, imbued with your magic.
Overall, I just think this spell would be really cool, with a lot of awesome utility.
Some of the interesting ways to use this spell that I’ve thought of include:
Throwing atlanteans into lava
Throwing chunks of lava atlanteans
Throwing mercury/liquid starlight at atlanteans
Throwing enemies at explosive barrels
Throwing a cloud at someone
Throwing an atlantean into a tornado
Throwing magically imbued Dark Sea water at atlanteans