If you could make your own language (and have it become the global language just like how English is), what would it be like?

What language bullshit will you modify or remove?

Language bullshit examples:

  • is/are/am
  • in/at/on
  • irregular pluralization(noun)/tense change(verb)/intensity change(adjective) (cactus/cacti instead of -(e)s for noun, hold is held instead of -ed (verb), bad is worse instead of -er (adjective)
  • silent letters/non phonetic spelling
  • accent stress/emphasis (moral/morale)
  • (FUCKING) CONTRONYMS (words that have multiple meanings and they’re opposites)
  • a/an
  • 1 word with multiple meanings
  • synonyms? (someone could argue this isnt bullshit, but there are words that EXACTLY mean something else (if you search a dictionary for the word, the results are gonna be like: “another term for [WORD]”))

(i thought of this post when i was having a minor breakdown because of scenarios when translation could fuck a story, wanna make a conlang? (actually no, just a conSYNTAX))

no i will NEVER become an english teacher


I had actually made a language, currently revamping it in my free time

can i see


It’d be similar to english except with more words, and fewer long words, and every letter is a word. Basically I’d want it to be more dense, so it would also have tones like chinese, except each tone is just a single pitch which can be transposed as necessary. Letters would be distinguished by shape as well as value (it would be written with utensils that can make darker or lighter lines depending on the pressure, without changing the size of the lines). Every word would also be associated with a certain color, for faster reading if it’s written with that color, but that wouldn’t be essential to understanding the meaning, because that would make life difficult for colorblind people. Also there would be a lot more different kinds of consonants

a word having multiple meanings is probably inevitable. I don’t think you can stop people from creating new meanings for words. Ideally I’d want all the words to be 1 syllable, but people would probably combine some similar to how they do in english like trustworthy or accident-prone. You can’t possibly have a vocab that accounts for everything people might ever want to say, and it’s much easier to combine existing words or use them in a slightly different sense than to make a brand new word and explain it to everybody who hasn’t heard it before. For multi-syllable words, I’d want there to be accent stress

I have don’t really know how to make a language but I like the idea of it

oh btw if you dont like this block of text, that proves my point that its better if the language is denser

Doing this rn.

I love this forum

the shadowspeak, IS REAL!

English but without repeating words (their and there, red and read, etc) and silent letters. Additionally I’d remove the letter C due to it being redundent. Use S or K. Car? Kar. Pacify? Pasify. Control? Kontrol. Knack? Just remove the C all together. Knak. C does not need to exist and it’s starting to genuinely frustate me as I talk about it.

that’s…even worse than english

it isnt tbh

like in a sentence, it lets you be able to say something twice without repeating it (repetition sounds dumb)

tbf, english basically ripped off the latin alphabet, so that’s prob why ‘C’ and ‘K’ exist together for 0 reason

english but “that that” isn’t grammatically correct

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Well, it should be fine for native speakers. Like, I don’t complain about english cause it’s just normal to me

i mean, then it’s probably not going global. (sorry lmao)

but the prompt says it’s already global

nah, it says if you intend for it to go global, not that it’s already global

I mean that it’s already given that it would be global

