If you could manipulate 6 periodic table elements, what would they be?

Close enough.

  1. Hydrogen (Lots of it around this parts)
  2. Oxygen (I can cancel someone ez by taking away oxygen)
  3. Carbon (:gem: I can make diamonds by compressing it)
  4. Uranium (:explosion_magic: Boom boom boom)
  5. Iron (:iron_magic_var1: I can do AO irl now )

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur

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carbon hydrogen and oxygen is way overkill

I can already kill all known life with any of these, so I’d just pick carbon. That way I can also manipulate steel. Then I’d want the other elements for dealing with inorganic threats (nukes, bullets etc). My other picks would be lead, uranium, plutonium, copper, and helium (so I can make a floating base)

i mean if i can do this i can pretty much become the undisputed goat of biology

question, are we immune to the side effects of our elements that could normally harm biological life?

I.E: if I control lead, I cannot get lead poisoning, or if I control a radioactive element, it cannot hurt me with the emission?

no lol so be careful

man that’s kinda mid tbh :confused:

I guess I’m gonna use something that can’t hurt me through any obvious means, but can be supportive in other ways…

and I have a rather profitable idea


you’re only altering the positional/rotational vector of a certain chemical

the few elements that make up air

I’m gonna be an airbender

Just let me manipulate iron and we’re already rolling. Almost everything in the modern world includes iron in it. Including your blood.

oh yeah a few questions
do i get precise subatomic control and the capability to actually process subatomic control, or is it similar to ATLA waterbending?
is there a range limit?
do i get sense over the particular element in particular?
does the energy to break atomic bonds come out of nowhere?
do i get to control what state the element is in?

somewhere in between, less precise than subatomic (it’s still possible tho) but more precise than waterbending

yes but idk how far, it’s prob safe to measure the limit in km

yes, as in sense their location (and compounds)

i guess yeah


oxygen, nitro, argon, Fe, hydrogen, Ca

I could control your entire body.

What. Do you want carbon instead?

theirs plenty of it in the atmosphere

i could blow up anyone

dude methane aint an element + get carbon

oh yea brain fart