If you could remove one stat from the game, what would it be?

everything except power and defense


I actually feel like resistance is underrated ngl

“I like pancakes”
“Oh so you hate waffles?”

Armor piercing, the concept of it is too complicated

i was contemplating posting that image lol

attack size

Nah attack size may be annoying right now. But the idea of it is fine. Unlike resistance or agility, which are niche but annoying still, meaning there’s less of a reason to exist. Also did you make an entire YouTube video on how attacks size sucks just for this topic?

use both sides of your brain and check the upload date

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good vid but attack speed is also a “free ticket to being better” honestly both are terrible for the game

Intensity is basically only useful for magic users.

as ironic as it sounds, i’m also not a huge fan of attack speed either and i could totally see myself making the same video with the other stat :sob:

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Next 64arc video: arcane odysseys power problem.
“It’s just free damage! That’s completely unbalanced! If someone had a bunch of power they would need to land less attacks to kill someone!”

you really think youre funny dont you :skull:

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Man just because you personally don’t find a joke funny doesn’t mean you should berate them for no reason. I get that you are the owner of a large clan and probably don’t have enough brainpower to comprehend people can have different opinions than you, but I don’t really care about your opinion on my joke.

armor piercing, intensity, or resistance

I’d pick attack speed but it’s not even the stat as a whole I hate. Projectile speed is good but I think the extra benefit of having more advantageous frame data (decreased start up and endlag) makes it such a complete package of a stat. It simultaneously makes it easier to throw out an attack and immediately block/parry after.

I run like 76 attack speed and when I take off all my armor for an armor less 1v1, it feels much different.

That aside, I’d remove armor piercing

tough luck you cared enough to blame it on something unrelated :sob:
thanks for the glaze though i know neptune is the best clan ever you don’t need to tell me twice

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Large doesn’t mean good, just look at your mom

never said you called it good, i’m just giving you a reminder

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You literally did though