If you could remove one stat from the game, what would it be?


I love agility but hate “having” to incorporate it into my builds it’s soo annoying. I could be adding more defense or power.

If not agility maybe power? What about you guys

  • Atk speed
  • Atk size
  • Power
  • intensity
  • agility
  • defense
  • insanity
  • drawback
  • warding
  • Armor pierxing
  • resistance
  • regeneration
0 voters

Attack size, I really want to fuck over metal and earth players

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That would be nice but then imagine all the attack speed mages/warlocks/berserkers/paladins

attack speed because, at least you can block/parry size. if you dont use attack speed vs someone who uses a ton of attack speed you literally cannot counter them. its an inherently unhealthy stat and also anti skill

borderline useless in an actual fight but lets u simply run away if things get bad
agility rework might change my opinion who knows

i also wouldn’t miss the 3 nimbus sea stats if they were removed

saying atk speed is less skill than atk size is crazy

Armor Piercing, why is there a rock-paper-scissors stat when nothing else in the game is like that? Why is there anti-defense but no anti-power?

Ideally I would also remove Power and Defense because I feel like they’re boring and too mandatory compared to the other stats, but if I can only pick one thing I’m going with Armor Piercing.


quote exactly where i said or implied attack speed is less skilled than attack size


how is that saying size is more skilled than speed? both should be removed from the game because they are both no skill

poor guy forgot his own message :sob: :pray:

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the original question was
“If you could remove one stat from the game, what would it be?”
i’d remove attack speed because you can at least block/parry size, but i never mentioned one was more skilled than the other.
reading comprehension in todays age: :chart_with_downwards_trend:

it was implied don’t even lie

your reading comprehension… smh

ok you know what size takes more skill than speed

this was fact checked, peer reviewed, snopes verified, so its not my opinion

by who

i advocate for the segregation of attack and casting speed

Armor piercing, resistance and regeneration are the most random stats added ever, and I don’t think any of them offers much incentive to be used
Intensity is also quite iffy

Bro really took a basic misunderstanding and turned it into a boomer meme :skull:

We going back to WoM age with this one

You don’t ever want to give me control of stats in this game. I promise that if you did, I’d change everything. And I can say it’d probably leave the competitive players less than happy with me.